

  • Napesis – the Cree word napesis means “boy” or “little boy.”.
  • keylord

    Michael Antares – reminds me of an earlier Antares.


    Exauce – the masculine form of Exaucee.Elliottt – the only triple T’s in the U.S.Brady Bullet – this one reminds me of modern America (e.g.Appamatta – the Pali word appamatta means “diligent, careful.”.Of all 7,920 boy names on Quebec’s list in 2015, 76.5% of them were bestowed just once. Winola – this one reminds me of early 20th-century America.Graytchelle Mayssa – a Gretchen + Rachel smoosh?.Garance – the French word garance refers to a shade of red created from the root of the madder plant.Exaucee – the French verb exaucer means “to grant a wish.”.Confiance – the French word confiance means “confidence, trust.”.Allegresse – the French word allégresse means “joy, elation.”.Of all 9,096 girl names on Quebec’s list in 2015, 74.5% of them were used a single time. In 2015, Emma replaced Lea as the top girl name, William joined Thomas as the top boy name, Beatrice replaced Charlie in the girls’ top 10, and Noah replaced Olivier in the boy’s top 10. Here are the province’s top 10 girl names and top 10 boy names of 2015: Girl Names According to data from Retraite Québec, the most popular baby names in Quebec in 2015 were Emma and Thomas/ William (tied).
